community support through personal training, group training and nutrition services

The 1st Step to Better Support

What Does Support Really Mean?

Support seems like an easy concept. You went to college and got a degree, your family shared the Facebook post 100x over! You bought a house and everyone stops by, bringing gifts and housewarming trinkets. A wedding, the most joyous occasion! 

But what happens when you do something out of the ordinary? This is where support becomes tricky. 

People have a hard time supporting endeavors that they don’t understand. 

When I first opened Lift Health and Fitness back in 2020, it was in the middle of a pandemic. According to most, it was not considered a smart move. I should have stayed in the military, bought a house and settled down. I remember asking my family to support Lift by simply leaving a review…crickets. 0 responses. I guess they found more joy in talking about the weather. 

It wasn’t until I joined a mentorship program, a community of like minded individuals, that I became my absolute best self. I felt understood, supported, educated and unstoppable. Through this incredible group of people, I have become a better boss and leader to my staff, a better trainer and coach to my clients, and a better business owner in perfecting systems and processes to deliver the best results possible. 

Sure…I could have searched Google or Facebook for ideas and advice from expert influencers. I could have spent hours doing research on something that may or may not have made a significant impact. 

But I chose to make an investment in myself. 

One that changed my life forever.

The same goes for your health.

Not everyone will understand why you workout 5 days a week, drink a gallon of water, and stay away from the Red Hot Flamin’ Doritos. 

But we do. 

We understand what it is like to be on a significant life changing journey alone. A journey others may not comprehend, therefore are unsure of how to support you. 

If you are someone who feels this way, meet Lift…your new Health and Fitness home. 

We are a community of like minded individuals. We understand that health is a priority to you and we will do everything in our power to help you get there. 

We will provide the knowledge and resources, all we ask…is that you show up for yourself. 

We will congratulate you on your wins, and pick you up after your losses. 

We will help you cultivate motivation and discipline. 

We will SUPPORT you.

If you are struggling on your health and fitness journey, or feel like some days are simply impossible, we are just a click away. Come meet with a coach. Experience our community. Share some goals and lots of laughter. 

Whether you enjoy the intimate connection of working with a Personal Trainer, or are competitive with friends in Group Training…maybe you are unsure…we got you covered!